Business Firesides

April 15, 2024

A number of rotarians will host tours and lunch at their companies:


  • Garvey Centerhosted by Larry Weber
    A historic staple in Wichita’s skyline, the Garvey Center stands 26 stories tall and is located between the R.H. Garvey Building and its companion, the Olive W. Garvey building – both 10 stories tall. We take pride in being a unique office park in that we truly are a “park” for both our tenants and passersby to enjoy a variety of public art, grab a bite to eat, get a new haircut, or even enjoy a shoe shine. Live, work, play, & celebrate. All in one location!


  • Goodwill Industries of Kansashosted by Laura Ritterbush
    Goodwill Industries of Kansas, Inc.’s mission is to provide opportunities to people with disabilities and barriers to employment seeking independent and productive lives. Part of an international brand, Goodwill locations across the globe are operated and led autonomously based on community need – but all use the power of work to provide purpose, pride and dignity to those they serve.


  • McCurdy Auctionshosted by Lonny McCurdy
    Over 40 years ago, Lonny and Annette McCurdy started McCurdy Auction Service conducting personal property and real estate auctions. Today, leadership has transitioned to third-generation auctioneers Braden McCurdy and Megan McCurdy Niedens, who have expanded the business’s services to include six different divisions operating with over 30 employees.


  • Medical Loan Closet – hosted by Lloyd Hanna
    Your first thought is, “I can’t afford that, I need help!”  We are here for you, and we can meet most medical equipment needs.  But don’t thank us, thank those who passed along a small part of their legacy.  The equipment we have to offer has a story; it may even be similar to yours.  You are not alone in your struggle.


  • Roxy’s Downtown – hosted by Rick Bumgardner
    The mission of Roxy’s is to entertain, inform, educate, and support the Wichita and surrounding communities through innovative performances, conscientious educational programming and dedicated event facilities and services.


  • Wichita Foundation – hosted by Shelly Prichard
    The Wichita Foundation invests in people and ideas to spark change.


Limited seats available at each location – RSVP today!  Members may bring 1 guest.

Club Members, please visit the Member’s Area for more information.

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