Wichita Rotary Charitable Fund Grants

The Wichita Rotary Charitable Fund (WRCF) is the funding arm of the Rotary Club of Wichita.

WRCF is unique in that it is not an endowment or supported by a singular donor but is funded solely by the members of our Club. Our Club is committed to our Wichita community and we use this fund to give back and help Wichita thrive.

Wichita Rotary Charitable Fund

Economic Development Grant Applications are closed as of March 1, 2024.

 To be on our mailing list to hear about other funding opportunities, please click here.


The Wichita Rotary Charitable Fund is excited to open the application process for our 2024-2025 Rotary Fiscal Year.

The Rotary Club of Wichita embarked on an extensive Visioning Process this past fall that culminated in BIG changes to our grants process.

Our Club can have the most impact if we concentrate the majority of our grant funds in a singular Area of Focus, to be taken up for two years at a time.

Our 2024-2025 and 2025-2026 WRCF Grants Area of Focus will be: 


We love our city and want to see this community thrive!

We are currently taking applications for  2024-2025. This process will open up again in early 2025 for the 2025-2026 Funding Year.

We will consider projects of up to two years in duration and up to $150,000 in funding need (over the two years).

WRCF Grant Applicants can be a 501(c)3 or a Rotarian in good standing who serves as an internal champion for an internal project (Interact Clubs, The Dictionary Project, Reading is Fundamental, etc).

Of the Things We Think, Say or Do

1. Is it the truth?
2. Is it fair to all concerned?
3. Will it build goodwill and better friendships?
4. Will it be beneficial to all concerned?

These powerful questions are vital guideposts for Rotary life.
We Call It “The Four Way Test”

Economic Development

refers to sustained, concerted actions of communities aimed at improving the standard of living and economic health of a specific area. This typically involves measures to increase employment opportunities, income levels and overall well being.

In this first round of funding applications, WRCF will consider projects and opportunities that:

  • Will have a strong, discernable impact in the Wichita Metro Area:
    – Highest priority for those directly impacting “Downtown”
    (Washington to River, Central to Kellogg)
    – 2nd highest priority those impacting the Established Central Area “ECA”
    (Rock to Ridge, 29th North to Harry)
  • Demonstrate elements of creativity, collaboration and uniqueness that will motivate increased giving and service engagement by our membership
  • Whose sponsoring non-profit organization can demonstrate a plan for sustainability or completion at the conclusion of Rotary’s two-year commitment of support and
  • Which falls into one of these categories, commonly associated with economic development:

Education and Skill Development

Initiatives for employment-age adults that contribute to a more skilled and competitive workforce, with emphasis on those industries in our area having difficulty filling necessary trades (construction, health care, technology, etc.)

Innovation and Technology Adoption

Initiatives encouraging innovation and the adoption of new technologies that will enhance productivity and competitiveness in industries, fostering economic growth.

Sustainable Development

Initiatives that support environmental sustainability, aiming for growth that is environmentally responsible and socially inclusive.

Improvement in Quality of Place

Initiatives that enhance the Community’s overall well-being and livability and may serve to attract and retain young talent and tourists.

Infrastructure Development

Projects that build or upgrade infrastructure such as communication systems, transportation networks or affordable housing that enhances connectivity and supports business.

Job Creation

Projects, initiatives, or collaborations that facilitate the creation of employment opportunities and/or improve the financial stability of individuals and families by connecting underemployed with new employment opportunities.

Funding and service opportunities will NOT BE considered in these categories, which, although often associated with Economic Development, are better suited to other entities.

  • Increase in Economic Output
  • Access to Capital
  • Diversification of the Economy
  • Poverty Reduction

In General, the WRCF does NOT consider applications when:

  • The primary focus of the funding is for salaries or ongoing operating expenses.
  • The purpose is not in alignment with Rotary principles of truth, integrity, goodwill and peace.
  • Rotary seeks to change its project focus area every two years; thus the applicant’s project should not rely on nor assume additional funding following the two-year grant cycle.


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