Judy Frick - Boost your Competitive Edge

December 6, 2021

Judy Frick – Succession and Leadership Consultant – Boost Your Competitive Edge: Actions for a Healthy, Productive Workforce. Kansas is one of seven states to receive a child abuse prevention grant from the enter for Disease Control, which helps fund a state level coalition, K-Pop, and the local Wichita Coalition for Child Abuse Prevention, which is staffed through KCSL and the WSU Community Engagement Institute. A key prevention strategy is providing economic support to promote family stability. The CDC also identified Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) as a significant barrier to a healthy workforce. ACES are traumatic experiences birth to 18 in the areas of abuse and neglect and household dysfunction which have a lasting impact on health and well-being. This presentation describes the supportive policies and practices that employers can implement to ensure family friendly workplaces and a productive workforce.

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